The Bloom Method Blog
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The Bloom Method Blog
3 Signs You Need to Take a Break During Core Workouts (Pregnancy & Postpartum Safe)
by brooke cates
How do you know when to take a break during core exercises? If you’re pregnant or postpartum, or simply...
The Truth About Diastasis Recti: Why Closing the Gap Isn’t the Goal
by brooke cates
If you’re a pregnant or postpartum woman, chances are you’ve heard about diastasis recti—the gap in your abdominal muscles that...
Pre-Pregnancy Exercises to Build Endurance and Prevent Core Dysfunction
by brooke cates
There’s a big mindset shift that happens when you start preparing to conceive. Ideally, you’re preparing your body and...
5 Common Mistakes When Exercising During Pregnancy
by Brooke Cates
Don’t make these mistakes while exercising during pregnancy Shifting the way we move during pregnancy can make all the difference...
5 Signs You Need a Prenatal Workout Plan + Pregnancy Fitness Workouts by Trimester
by brooke cates
When it comes to building a prenatal workout plan, misinformation is a recurring theme. A quick Google search leaves...
How and Why to Use a Pregnancy Fitness App for Diastasis Recti
by brooke cates
During pregnancy, you expect your body to change. But this expectation doesn’t make the changes any easier. Especially if your...
Postpartum Exercise: How Soon After Birth Can You Workout?
by brooke cates
You just gave birth to a newborn baby, and you’ve never felt more proud or more vulnerable. The marathon of...
Why You Don’t Need to Fear Diastasis Recti from Pregnancy
by brooke cates
One of the most commonly feared complications in pregnancy is called diastasis recti. This involves the separation of the abdominal muscles, which...
Diastasis Recti Exercises to Stabilize and Strengthen Your Core After Pregnancy
by brooke cates
Your brilliant body creates space for your baby to grow by stretching the linea alba (the connective tissue that holds...