A Guide for Professionals to Learn More About Diastasis


Founding The Bloom Method and Studio Bloom has given me a fantastic platform to connect with mothers and fitness professionals in Boulder, throughout the United States and around the world. Helping others learn tools, techniques and exercises that empower women and last into motherhood is truly a passion for me.

As professionals who help women before, during and after pregnancy, there is so much we, as a community, can do to support, educate and heal mommas and their beautiful bodies. From educating women on ways to prevent dysfunctional DR, helping clients close diastasis recti during pregnancy, and teaching women ways to deeply access the core during postpartum rehab, there is so much we can do to go beyond fitness and share valuable knowledge with mothers at all stages of their lives.

That is why I am so excited to share with you another outlet for professionals to learn more about diastasis. I've partnered with James Goodlatte at Fit For Birth to create a course on core integrity, prevention and rehabilitation both prenatal and postpartum. This is a fabulous opportunity for professionals who are looking to expand their knowledge of diastasis.

The Pre & Post Natal Diastasis and Core Consultant course is a 15-week program that provides not only a wealth of information about diastasis, but also valuable mentorship time. It is designed for fitness and wellness practitioners.

I invite you to read more about the course and learn about how it can enhance your knowledge of DR and allow you to become a resource for mothers on preventing and healing DR as well as other core stability challenges. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me, and I hope to see you on the mentoring calls!

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